At WRAP, we are committed to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment in everything we do. We also consider the environmental best practices to be the important to the success of our business operations in-line with the Environmental Protection Act 1994. This is achieved through a holistic approach of our everyday processes from selection of product, design, training and awareness; and the use of advanced technology that prevents causing environmental damage.
Grinders that follows Atex guidelines and safe to use in Ex gas zones 1 and 2 (dust zones 21 & 22) without the need for a hot work permit. These tools that we distribute and use in our operations have been safely used around the world for over decade and offers substantial health safety & environmental benefits
As Vapour Blasting Or Wet Blasting is similar to dry blasting or sandblasting with the introduction of water as a third element. By adding water to the process we achieve a much higher surface finish, cause less damage to the substrate while suppressing up to 92% of the dust caused by sandblasting. The use of quality abrasive medias such as garnet or crushed recycled glass that are non-toxic, inert and safe for the environment.